Where are we working?
South East

The Communities Keeping Well Programme [South East] is working in partnership with two communities to support them to live healthier lives. Residents have established their health and wellbeing priorities and will be running their own projects to support these priorities.

We are working in two locations

  • Lansbury and Limehouse East
  • Barkantine 
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South East Partnerships

The project across the Southeast has been working closely with voluntary and community sector organisations and groups that offer local knowledge and insights into the community to maximise our engagement. We are partnering with the Limehouse Project and Urban Unity Network as co-hosts on the programme.

Communities Keeping Well is also working with the Healthy Island Partnership on the Isle of Dogs to support Barkantine residents with their health and wellbeing.

Lansbury & Limehouse East

We engaged 84 residents through street conversations, door knocking, and a focus group to identify what would make their community a healthier place to live and what they are doing to improve their health and wellbeing. We visited a range of locations including schools, GP practices, and community organisations. 

We held community events such as a World Café and the Working Together workshop, engaging with a further 82 residents and 32 local stakeholders.

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Lansbury and Limehouse East Community Priorities and Voting Day

  • Health services and more health information
  • Mental wellbeing, social connection, and loneliness
  • Bringing community together
  • Community Safety & outdoors
  • Activities and spaces for children and youth
  • Physical activities
  • Healthy and affordable food
  • Communication with and within the community
  • Housing issues and cost of living

To find out more about your community voting day, click on 'Read more' below.


We engaged 46 residents through street conversations and door knocking to identify what would make their community a healthier place to live and what they are currently doing for their physical and mental wellbeing.

We held community events such as a World Café with hot food and a Working Together Workshop engaging with a further 63 residents and 15 local stakeholders.

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Barkantine Community Priorities and Voting Day

  • Health services and more health information
  • Mental wellbeing, social connection, loneliness and creative arts
  • Bringing community together
  • Community safety & outdoors
  • Activities and spaces for children and youth
  • Physical activities
  • Healthy and affordable food
  • Language and IT skills
  • Communication with and within the community
  • Housing issues and cost of living

To find out more about your community voting day, click on 'Read more' below.

Are you a Tower Hamlets resident? If you have any feedback regarding our services, or suggestions of ideas and initiatives that may improve the healthcare and wellbeing of people in Tower Hamlets.

Please get in touch, we would love to hear from you!

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