Supporting you to live a healthier life

The Communities Keeping Well Programme is working with eight communities in Tower Hamlets to prevent Type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease and lung diseases. Over two years, residents will come together through a series of community events to co-design and lead activities for a healthier life.

Funding for Residents
Local funding decisions are made at Community Voting Days where residents and small community and voluntary organisations pitch their project ideas in a Dragon's Den style event. Residents vote for the projects they wish to see take place in their community.
Click the button below to find out more about our funding terms and conditions
As well as making these eight neighbourhoods healthier places to live, Communities Keeping Well is an opportunity for residents to get their voices heard on health and community life, become health champions, run their own projects and become community researchers.
Communities Keeping Well is a partnership between residents, GPs, Public Health, local voluntary sector organisations working together with local communities. A full list of our community partners is available on our locality pages.
Volunteering opportunities
There are many different volunteering opportunities available to residents and others through the programme. For example, supporting community projects, becoming a health and wellbeing champion, helping out at events, being a community researcher, being on advisory groups.
Contact Us
To find out more about the programme, including volunteering opportunities contact [email protected].