Weight Action Programme (WAP) by Queen Mary University of London
Weight Action Programme is a free 12-week in-person or online (via Zoom) programme run by specialists from the Health and Lifestyle Research Unit, Queen Mary University of London
Follow the latest news and updates from Tower Hamlets Together here, including our latest events, developments and success stories.
Weight Action Programme is a free 12-week in-person or online (via Zoom) programme run by specialists from the Health and Lifestyle Research Unit, Queen Mary University of London
The Board signed off the revised Place sub-committee Terms of Reference, which now reflects North East London’s mutual accountability framework
People of Tower Hamlets! Join us for a FREE event series to help work out ideas & plans for how we can work together better, & collect love2shop vouchers in the process!
Your chance to say what you think about how your local health and social care services are run
At February’s THT Board, we were lucky to hear from two powerhouses of community leadership - Safia from Women's Inclusive Team and Sufia from East London Mosque
As people of Tower Hamlets, you know what is needed to improve health and wellbeing in the borough. You can help shape this so local services and opportunities are more in line with what people want
A creative, gentle, inclusive series of conversations in an online safe space led by lived experience facilitators - FREE TO JOIN
Protect yourself and those around you
This winter it’s more important than ever to get your COVID-19 and flu vaccines, to protect yourself and those around you
Tower Hamlets Health and Wellbeing Board is in the process of developing an updated Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) for the borough
I know we face many challenges ahead in 2023, but I am always buoyed by the strong spirit of collaboration and commitment to improving services and outcomes for residents, which shines through all THT conversations, meetings and events
At November’s Board, we signed off the Engagement Action Plan which aims to broaden and deepen user voice across all levels of THT
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