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New domestic abuse support service in Tower Hamlets

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Tower Hamlets Together

The borough’s vision of a seamless health and care experience for its citizens.

Hero new domestic abuse support service in tower hamlets

Solace can provide specialist one to one support to victims, providing information and advice to increase safety and meet a range of needs

If you are worried about domestic abuse, you are not alone!

London Borough of Tower Hamlets have appointed the leading domestic and sexual violence charity Solace, to provide vital community support to anyone affected by domestic abuse in the borough. 

Solace can provide specialist one to one support to victims, providing information and advice to increase safety and meet a range of needs. This can include ongoing safety concerns, economic, emotional or housing support as well as reporting to the police or obtaining civil orders.

You can access support from Solace by calling 0203 795 5064 or by emailing [email protected]For further information click here

Are you a Tower Hamlets resident? If you have any feedback regarding our services, or suggestions of ideas and initiatives that may improve the healthcare and wellbeing of people in Tower Hamlets.

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